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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    raise version number · 462b6d18
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Thu Jun 16 17:40:29 2005  George Lebl <>
    	* raise version number
    	* src/complil.c: compile symbolic_id and id for function nodes and
    	  symbolic_id for global functions.
    	* src/lexer.l, src/calc.c, src/eval.[ch], src/parse.y: SYNTAX CHANGE:
    	  there is now an elt by elt addition and subtraction (.+ and .-)
    	  which act like the old +,- when adding scalar to a matrix.  The +,-
    	  now interpret A+x as A+x*I if A is a square matrix, and elt by elt
    	  if A is a vector (row or column), else they error out.
    	* src/funclib.c: the PolyToFunction now does 1 instead of x^0, since
    	  this now works correctly for matrices.
    	* src/lexer.l, src/calc.c, src/parse.y: make evalstack into
    	  gel_parsestack since the naming was totally off
    	* src/dict.h: on decompilation errors don't assert crash, just give
    	  null as the function body.
    	* src/geniustests.txt: add some tests and fix some old ones with
    	  respect to the above syntax change.
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