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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    in the event hook, handle events until all handled, fixes "hangs" or · 3acab7ad
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Sun Feb 15 11:25:47 2009  Jiri (George) Lebl <>
    	* src/gnome-genius.c: in the event hook, handle events until all
    	  handled, fixes "hangs" or extreme ui slowdowns
    	  when event hook is not run often enough
    	* ve/ve-miscui.[ch]: steal gtk_dialog_run and do
    	  ve_dialog_run_nonmodal.  This way we can interrupt a tight loop
    	  with AskString's in it
    	* src/gnome-genius.c: start implementing a window with GtkUIManager
    	  to get rid of libgnomeui dep.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=716
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