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  • Ell's avatar
    utils: improve performance of gegl_memset_pattern() · d195c300
    Ell authored
    Copy the pattern using exponentially increasing block sizes, using
    the already-copied data as the source, yielding a logarithmic number
    of memcpy()s, instead of linear.  The block size is not increased
    indefinitely, as to not saturate the cache, so for large copies, the
    number of memcpy()s is still linear, but using a big-enough block
    size as to make it irrelevant.
    I actually had a benchmark for this, but it died with the old hdd :P
    IIRC, in some cases we care about, this about doubles performance.
    In other cases, it's far less significant, but it never (in realistic
    terms) seems to be a pessimization.