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  • Ell's avatar
    color-to-alpha-plus: add new op to workshop · cdc1fdd4
    Ell authored
    color-to-alpha-plus is an extension of color-to-alpha, introducing
    a pair of properties controlling the range of colors whose alpha is
      - transparency-threshold, controls the radius around the selected
        color, below which colors become fully transparent.
      - opacity-threshold, controls the radius around the selected
        color, above which colors remain fully opaque.
    Colors between transparency-threshold and opacity-threshold become
    partially transparent.
    When transparency-threshold is 0 and opacity-threshold is 1, which
    is the default configuration, the result is the same as that of
    color-to-alpha.  The plan is to eventually merge the new
    functionality into color-to-alpha, not to add a new op.