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  • People doing a 16 bpc version of gimp's avatar
    Fri May 12 11:46:00 PDT 2000 · a5d57dea
            * check in for codegen
            * changed varibles names:
                      BLOCK has been changed to CODE. It makes more sence.
                    - DATA_TYPE /DATATYPE ---> DT_MACROS
                      All the varibles that are related to the channel
                      data files have been changed.
            * the test files have been updated and channel files and the readme
            to reflex the above change.
            * this is a some small changes in lexer.l and parser.y in an attempt
            to make the code more readable.
            * check in for docs
            * updated to reflex the above changes
            * check in for gegl
            * update the .gil file to reflex the above change