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  • Øyvind Kolås's avatar
    Adapted most operations to new reentrant API for passing buffers · 84b9ef49
    Øyvind Kolås authored
    around in the graph. (EXR load is amongst the ones that were not
    cheched this time around.)
    * operations/blur/box-blur.c: (process):
    * operations/blur/gaussian-blur.c: (process):
    * operations/color/stretch-contrast.c: (process):
    * operations/core/buffer.c: (process):
    * operations/core/clone.c: (process):
    * operations/core/crop.c: (process):
    * operations/core/nop.c: (process):
    * operations/core/shift.c: (process):
    * operations/display/display.c: (process):
    * operations/file-io/jpg-load.c: (process):
    * operations/file-io/load.c: (refresh_cache):
    * operations/file-io/magick-load.c: (process):
    * operations/file-io/pixbuf.c: (process):
    * operations/file-io/png-load.c: (process):
    * operations/file-io/png-save.c: (process):
    * operations/file-io/raw-load.c: (process):
    * operations/file-io/svg-load.c: (process):
    * operations/meta/layer.c: (refresh_cache):
    * operations/render/FractalExplorer.c: (process):
    * operations/render/checkerboard.c: (process):
    * operations/render/color.c: (process):
    * operations/render/noise.c: (process):
    * operations/render/text.c: (process):
    * operations/transform/affine.c: (process):
    * operations/workshop/demosaic-simple.c: (process):
    * operations/workshop/gtk-display.c: (process):
    * operations/workshop/mandelbrot.c: (process):
    * operations/workshop/rawbayer-load.c: (process):
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