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  • Øyvind Kolås's avatar
    refactored cairo code that shows on screen drawings and pointer · dddb17c6
    Øyvind Kolås authored
    * bin/editor.c: refactored cairo code that shows on screen drawings
    and pointer interaction code to operate with a state machine for
    different modes. (menu_clear), (menu_add), (path_editor_keybinding),
    (fill_press_event), (fill_release_event), (fill_motion_notify_event),
    (cairo_expose), (cairo_gui_expose), (stroke_press_event),
    (stroke_release_event), (stroke_motion_notify_event),
    (gui_press_event), (gui_motion_event), (gui_release_event),
    (editor_set_active), (editor_main).
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2679
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