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  • Ray Strode's avatar
    gedit-recent: fix filtering of a filenames that need uri escaping · 2564431e
    Ray Strode authored
    When a user types a filename into the search popover, gedit tries
    to find matches from recently used documents.  It does this by
    returning all recently used documents that have what the user typed
    as a substring of the document uri.
    GtkRecentInfo provides two different apis for returning the associated
    uri: gtk_recent_info_get_uri() and gtk_recent_info_get_uri_display().
    The former returns the uri in a canonical representation with non-ascii
    characters escaped using url escaping rules.  The latter returns the
    uri with non-ascii characters unescaped.  GeditRecent uses the
    canonicalized, escaping function, so its substring search fails
    on non-ascii filenames.
    This commit changes the code over to use the other variant.