GNOME Calendar + Geary integration
Helly everybody, I am using geary as main mail client since a couple of month (master branch from gitlab) and I realise an interesting feature is missing, this feature is the integration with calendar. I haven't been able to find an issue related to that, however I've seen the issue about becoming official gnome mail which is not linked to any calendar issue.
Let suppose I receive a mail with some information about an event, it should be possible to directly create a event in calendar (something like a share button, or just create event) where the mail content is exported to the notes field of such event. It would not require to fill the dates automatically, the user can do that. For instance, someone could want to create an event from a mail that does not explicitly contain a date information.
In this way you could just go to the calendar to find all the information about the event without having to look back for the mail.
Furthermore, something that would be interesting is some way to link the attached files. This is actually a weakness of what I just described above since even though you would have the mail information in the calendar, you would lack some possible attached file that might be relevant. However I do not know how that could be solved for the moment...