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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    Yay! it like all builds and stuff · f0dea319
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Fri Nov 16 12:38:30 2001  George Lebl <>
    	Yay! it like all builds and stuff
    	* gui/gdmlogin.c: fix crash for timed logins
    	* config/, daemon/gdm.h, gui/gdmlogin.c,
    	  gui/gdmconfig.(c|h|glade):  Remove the font option, it can now be
    	  done by using the pango markup in the welcome message
    	* gui/gdmchooser.h gui/gdmlogin.h, gui/ remove useless
    	  header files.
    	* gui/gdmchooser.c: reorganize the code a bit to remove useless
    	  forward declarations
    	* gui/gdmchooser.c, gui/gdmlogin.c, gui/gdmconfig.[ch],
    	  gui/gdmflexiserver.c, gui/gdmwm.[ch], gui/misc.h:  Port to
    	  pixbuf and gnome2.
    	* utils/ remove (includedir) to make it not pickup gnome1