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  • Brian Cameron's avatar
    This further improves GDM configuration so that now only the GDM daemon · b68ffea6
    Brian Cameron authored
    2005-11-21  Brian Cameron <>
            This further improves GDM configuration so that
            now only the GDM daemon parses and manages the
            configuration file.  Most client programs use
            the GET_CONFIG command to access needed data.
            This simplifies the configuration logic and
            puts all configuration parsing in one place
            and gets rid of a lot of global variables that
            were making the code look messy.  This also
            gets rid of several places where gnome_config
            deprecated functions were being used.  I have
            cleaned up the code so that the vicious-extensions
            code is more localized in gui/gdmconfig.[ch].
            Some work is left to do:  gdmflexiserver still
            uses gnome_config functions and gdmconfig should
            use the new functions for reading from the
            configuration file.  Some compile issues fixed
            as highlghted by dma...
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