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  • Brian Cameron's avatar
    Added distuninstallcheck_listfiles for the files in /var/scrollkeeper, · 6547f64c
    Brian Cameron authored
    Tue Jan 25 17:18:00 2005  Brian Cameron <Brian.Cameron@Sun.Com>
            * This patch makes gdm2 build with newer versions of the build
              tools.  Previously it was requiring automake-1.4, autoconf-1.4,
              and clocal-1.4.  Better error checking in the newer version
              caught the following issues:
            *  Added distuninstallcheck_listfiles for the
              files in /var/scrollkeeper, which were causing "makedist"
              to fail.  Removed intltool-modules/XML/Parser/Style/
              from EXTRA_DIST since that file isn't required by newer
              versions of intltool.
            * omf.make, xmldocs.make:  Fixed errors in "makedist".   I found a
              pointer to the fix here:
            * gui/, gui/greeter/themes/circles/,
              gui/modules/, gui/greeter/themes/happygnome/...
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