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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    update the documentation a lot and install the docs. Yay! We have actual · 19e695b9
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Sat Jul 19 16:33:19 2003  George Lebl <>
    	* docs/C/gdm.xml,, docs/C/,
    	  docs/, xmldocs.make, omf.make: update the
    	  documentation a lot and install the docs.  Yay!  We
    	  have actual documentation now!!!
    	* daemon/misc.c: add sys/time.h and sys/resource.h includes
    	  (from looking at the FreeBSD patches)
    	* daemon/slave.c: pass LOGIN_SETENV as well to setusercontext
    	  (from looking at the FreeBSD patches)
    	* gui/gdmsetup.c: fix gccism, and look for the chown/chmod command
    	  (from looking at the FreeBSD patches)
    	* gui/gdmphotosetup.c: add signal.h include
    	  (from looking at the FreeBSD patches)
    	*, utils/  When the security/pam_misc.h is
    	  available also test for where the misc_conv function is as it seems
    	  to be sometimes compiled into the main libpam (FreeBSD for example)
    	  (from looking at the FreeBSD patches)
    	* config/, config/, config/(Pre|Post),
    	  config/XKeepsCrashing: don't use command -v and use which properly.
    	  And avoid stderr from which
    	* utils/gdmaskpass.c: use GETTEXT_PACKAGE here
    	*, utils/gdmtranslate.c, utils/,
    	  config/XKeepsCrashing, config/, config/
    	  Add gdmtranslate libexec proggie since gettext command is not
    	  always installed apparently (non-developer machines) so we
    	  can't rely on it existing.  Also do translations from the
    	  Xsession script
    	* gui/gdmlogin.c, gui/greeter/greeter_system.c: Fix #117504 by
    	  changing the tooltip to be more informative
    	* gui/greeter/greeter_system.c: Fix warnings when not all
    	  system dialog possibilities are present
    	*, greeter.c, greeter.dtd, greeter_configuration.h,
    	  greeter_item.[ch], greeter_item_customlist.[ch],
    	  greeter_parser.[ch], greeter_system.c:  Add listitem (proposed
    	  as customitem to the release-team) tags that can be inside
    	  a list and thus create custom widgetry.  At this point all
    	  custom widgetry that can be done is a list to pick from but
    	  this should be possible to extend for some future releases.
    	  This custom info is then written to a per display file
    	  to use from login scripts or elsewhere.  While I was there
    	  I fixed leaks and crashes when the parser would find parse
    	* docs/C/gdmconfig/*, docs/C/gdm.sgml, docs/C/gdm-manual.txt:
    	  remove everything here as it was old and unused and outdated.
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