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  • Brian Cameron's avatar
    Number of usability fixes for gdmlogin.c. Now do not bother showing · 1865a47e
    Brian Cameron authored
    2006-10-30  Brian Cameron  <>
            * gui/gdmlogin.c: Number of usability fixes for gdmlogin.c.  Now
              do not bother showing browser userlist widget if there are no
              users to display.  Now OK and Cancel buttons are set sensitive or
              insensitive based on context (OK only if something is in the entry
              field and Cancel if not on "Username" request).  Fixed bug causing
              face browser to autoselect first user.  I changed the behavior
              of how key events are listened to.  Now respond on release instead
              of press for accepting Tab key as Enter, back_prog delay,
              timed_login reset, and flexiserver reaping.  This made setting the
              buttons sensitive/insensitive easier.
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