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  • Marco Trevisan's avatar
    gdm.rules: Keep wayland enabled in all nvidia configurations allowing it · e29606c4
    Marco Trevisan authored and Ray Strode's avatar Ray Strode committed
    Nvidia drivers since version 470 supports both native wayland and
    accelerated Xwayland. The latter also works in hybrid configurations
    using nvidia Optimus (the session will run using the main integrated
    GPU, but it will be possible to use switcherooctl to run applications
    using the discrete nvidia card).
    However, the gdm rules were including a line that was supposed to
    disable such scenario, but it didn't actually work as expected, so we
    can safely remove it, without changing the behavior.
    At the same time we can tune the rules so that, when the nvidia-drm
    module is loaded, if the driver version is minor than 470, wayland is