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  • Brian Cameron's avatar
    Redesign of daemon configuraton. Now all vicious-extensions logic is in · 4d29395d
    Brian Cameron authored
    2005-11-03  Brian Cameron  <>
            Redesign of daemon configuraton.  Now all vicious-extensions
            logic is in gdmconfig.[ch].  This greatly simplifies how the
            UPDATE_CONFIG, and GET_CONFIG commands work and makes it
            easier to update the way GDM handles configuration.  Changed
            ve_setenv/ve_unsetenv to g_setenv/g_unsetenv since GDM requires
            a newer version of GLIB than could possibly cause the old
            ve versions to get used.
            * daemon/gdmconfig.[ch]: New logic for interacting with
            * daemon/gdm.h: Updated comments and changed the #define
              for many configuration options so the naming is more
              consistant.  Now the #defines more closely match the
              keys in gdm.conf and more consistantly use the underscore.
            * daemon/auth.c, daemon/choose.c, daemon/cookie.c,
              daemon/display.c, daemon/erro...