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  • Jiri (George) Lebl's avatar
    whack gdmmktemp since it wasn't being used, move gdmaskpass and gdmopen to · 5d162dd3
    Jiri (George) Lebl authored
    Tue Jun 03 13:37:31 2003  George Lebl <>
    	*,, utils/, daemon/server.c,
    	  daemon/misc.c, daemon/gdm.c, config/XkeepsCrashing:
    	  whack gdmmktemp since it wasn't being used, move gdmaskpass and
    	  gdmopen to libexec since that's where they really belong
    	* daemon/gdm.h, config/, gui/gdmchooser.(c|glade): add an
    	  "Add" entry and button so that, we can add random hosts by typing
    	  their name.  Add chooser/AllowAdd config key (default to true)
    	  that controls if this is available.  Also fix up the updating of
    	  the icon list.  it was incredibly evil and rebuilt the list each
    	  time a host packet came in, this compounded with the fact that
    	  we were pinging 3 times (at least the broadcast to which everyone
    	  answers).  Also make this run fairly sanely outside of GDM,
    	  so that you can really just run it from anywhere if you really
    	  wish (mostly for debugging, though I imagine some other uses might
    	  pop up).
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