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  • Tobias Stoeckmann's avatar
    XPM: Fix undefined behaviour · c22494b4
    Tobias Stoeckmann authored and Emmanuele Bassi's avatar Emmanuele Bassi committed
    Pixel data in XPM files consists of color characters.
    XPM allows up to 31 characters per pixel (cpp). If the file defines
    a width larger than G_MAXINT / cpp, the calculated memory required
    to parse a single line (wbytes) leads to a signed integer overflow.
    On common systems, a signed integer overflow works as expected on
    a bit level. Properly crafted files can overflow the variable
    wbytes in a way that it is positive again, which leads to a
    "successful" parsing of the XPM file. The pixel values itself are
    not assigned by gdk-pixbuf code, therefore leaking raw memory
    returned by malloc.
    This might leak sensitive information through pixel values,
    depending on the actual application.
    Proof of Concept:
    /* XPM */
    static char * poc_xpm[] = {
    "138547333 1 1 31",
    "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  	c None",