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fix: normalize phone numbers in search comparison

Seth Falco requested to merge SethFalco/folks:fix/normalize-phone-number into master


Searching contacts yields no results most of the time because I don't type it in the exact format I stored it.

I usually have contacts stored in the format: +44 7… (Sometimes more spaces if I copy and pasted it from a company website.)
However, I often search for contacts in the format: +447…

Because I don't specify the whitespace, it doesn't match most of the numbers. I think this is a pretty big usability issue. 🤔
Someone else also had a similar problem and reported it in GNOME Calls, see calls#325 (closed).


If the phone number is not an exact match, normalize the string, and try and match the normalized phone number in #_string_matches_token.

  • If it matches, return 2 similarly to a phone number match.
  • If it doesn't match, just continue with the usual logic.

I've added 3 test cases.

  • +1-800 matched before anyway.
  • 8675309 matched before anyway.
  • 1800 did not match before, but now does. 👍

Manually tested on my PinePhone Pro running postmarketOS 23.06, Phosh 0.27.0, GNOME 44.



Performs a chore on the side. There were 2 for loops that had a comment noting why they couldn't be foreach. However, the bug referenced by the comments appears to have been resolved, and with the change all tests are passing.

Edited by Seth Falco

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