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  • Paolo Bacchilega's avatar
    Fixed all the compiler warnings and errors. Removed all the libgnomevfs* · 6a17e27a
    Paolo Bacchilega authored and Paolo Bacchilega's avatar Paolo Bacchilega committed
    2008-04-03  Paolo Bacchilega  <>
    	* src/open-file.h: 
    	* src/fr-window.h: 
    	* src/fr-window.c: 
    	* src/fr-archive.c: 
    	* src/file-utils.h: 
    	* src/file-utils.c: 
    	* src/file-data.h: 
    	* src/file-data.c: 
    	* src/dlg-update.c: 
    	* src/dlg-prop.c: 
    	* src/dlg-open-with.c: 
    	* src/dlg-batch-add.c: 
    	* src/dlg-ask-password.c: 
    	* src/actions.c: 
    	Fixed all the compiler warnings and errors. 
    	Removed all the libgnomevfs* includes.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=2209