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file-utils: Use 'file-roller' in temp names

Jake Dane requested to merge (removed):jakedane-master-patch-51887 into master

Currently File Roller uses .fr-XXXXXX for temporary directory names which if the directory isn't cleaned up after use (a known issue) doesn't tell the user what program the directory was created by.

This changes it so that when File Roller needs a temporary directory while creating or modifying an archive it uses .file-roller-XXXXXX in the target directory.

And when File Roller needs a temporary directory in ~/.cache, ~ or /tmp to hold files opened directly from the archive it uses ~/.cache/file-roller/XXXXXX, ~/file-roller/XXXXXX or /tmp/file-roller/XXXXXX. So it groups the temporary directories under a file-roller/ directory.

This way the user can understand better what the directories are from.

This is a follow up to the suggestion from @jfft in: #191 (comment 1717332)

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