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Use display names for remote files

FeRD (Frank Dana) requested to merge ferdnyc/file-roller:display-name into master

When opening files from Gio locations like google-drive::, the file's basename will be a meaningless identifier. To display the proper filename, we need to use Gio's standard::display-name.

In updating the code to use _g_file_get_display_name() rather than _g_file_get_display_basename(), I tried to focus on input filenames, while both output filenames and archive-internal filenames continue to be formatted with _g_file_get_display_basename(). Since _g_file_get_display_name() falls back to _g_file_get_display_basename(), I probably could've changed them all, but I didn't want to take the chance of changing how a name is displayed, if it was entered by the user or supplied by the archive manifest.

Fixes #212 (closed)

Merge request reports