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    Set the info size's properly, oops! · 3998a03a
    Not Zed authored
    2000-11-28  Not Zed  <>
    	* providers/local/camel-maildir-summary.c
    	(camel_maildir_summary_init): Set the info size's properly, oops!
    	* tests/lib/folders.[ch]: Folder testing helpers.
    	* tests/folder/test2.c: Test basic message ops on folders.
    	* tests/folder/test1.c (main): Test basic folder ops on (local)
    	* providers/local/camel-local-provider.c
    	(camel_provider_module_init): Removed some debug.
    	* providers/local/camel-maildir-folder.c
    	(camel_maildir_folder_class_init): fix parent class.
    	* providers/local/camel-mh-folder.c (camel_mh_folder_class_init):
    	Fix parent class (damn cut & paste).
    	* providers/local/camel-maildir-store.c (get_folder): Call parent
    	(camel_maildir_store_class_init): Fix parent class setup.
    	(delete_folder): Check the folder exists before trying to delete
    	(delete_folder): Try and make the delete operation atomic/rollback
    	failures.  e.g. if one directory isn't empty, then create the
    	other empty ones back.  Also clear the tmp directory fully first.
    	* providers/local/camel-mbox-store.c (get_folder): Call parent
    	(camel_mbox_store_class_init): parent class is camel_local_store,
    	not camel_folder, oops.
    	(delete_folder): Return an error if it doesn't exist, rather than
    	covering it up.
    	* providers/local/camel-mh-store.c (get_folder): Call parent impl.
    	(camel_mh_store_class_init): fix parent class setup.
    	(delete_folder): Error if it doesn't exist now.
    	* camel-folder.c (camel_folder_move_message_to):
    	(camel_folder_copy_message_to): Added warnings as these functions
    	are going to be removed later.
    	* camel-store.c (camel_store_get_root_folder): Fix for an early
    	api change.  We want CAMEL_STORE_FOLDER_CREATE, not TRUE, since
    	its a flag.
    	(camel_store_get_default_folder): And here too.
    	* providers/local/camel-local-store.c (xrename): Handle renaming
    	folders differently to renaming files.
    	(get_default_folder_name): local stores dont have a default
    	folder, so make it so.  Or at least, it doesn't seem to make sense
    	to have one.
    	(get_root_folder_name): Same for root.
    	(get_folder): Added parent implementation, that makes sure the
    	service path exists, if we are creating a new folder (but doesn't
    	create the folder).
    2000-11-27  Not Zed  <>
    	* providers/local/camel-local-store.c (xrename): Fixed races.  Use
    	link/unlink, rather than rename, to properly detect overwriting
    	another file.  And allow some files to be missing.
    	* providers/ Removed mh, mbox, added local, to the default.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=6693
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