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  • Dan Winship's avatar
    Make fake content-id URLs be guaranteed unique: the old way (with %p on · 91e0ec52
    Dan Winship authored
    	* mail-format.c (get_cid): Make fake content-id URLs be guaranteed
    	unique: the old way (with %p on the CamelMimePart *) would
    	generate duplicates if memory was freed and re-allocated the right
    	* mail-display.c (pixbuf_gen_idle, etc): Make the thumbnail cache
    	global rather than per-MailDisplay, since content-ids ought to be
    	globally unique. Also, don't leak content-id strings when the
    	pixbuf generation fails, and remove pixbufs from the cache after 5
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=8944
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