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  • Chris Toshok's avatar
    change things so we focus the cell and select the row, and also dispatch · aac3f2c8
    Chris Toshok authored
    2000-06-10  Chris Toshok  <>
    	* e-table-item.c (eti_event): change things so we focus the cell
    	and select the row, and also dispatch the event to that row/cell.
    	This fixes the problem with the tree where you had to click twice
    	to activate the tree controls.
    	* (libetable_a_SOURCES): remove e-tree-gnode.* and add
    	(icons): add tree-expanded.xpm and tree-unexpanded.xpm
    	* e-cell-tree.c (ect_enter_edit): defer to subcell's view.
    	(ect_leave_edit): defer to subcell's view.
    	(visible_depth_of_node): visual depth, taking into account that
    	the root node of the model might not be displayed.
    	(offset_of_node): return the offset used to shift the subcell
    	(ect_draw): don't draw vertical lines if we're the leftmode node
    	(a visual root node).  also, don't shift x2 by the subcell offset,
    	so we get ellipses like we're supposed to.
    	(ect_event): remove GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE from the list of events
    	that we care about.
    	* e-tree-example-1.c: lots of changes, a more dynamic UI so we can
    	test tree model api stuff.
    	* e-tree-gnode.c, e-tree-gnode.c: removed files, since their guts
    	have been rolled into e-tree-model.c
    	* e-tree-model.c, e-tree-model.h: substantially changed.  too much
    	to really describe here.  this should really be considered the
    	first revision of these files :)
    	* e-tree-simple.c, e-tree-simple.h: analogous to e-table-simple, a
    	subclass that allows the use of function pointers.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=3519