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  • Milan Crha's avatar
    Make it possible to change theme for text-highlight module · 74e097a9
    Milan Crha authored
    Since now, users can change theme being used by the text-highlight module,
    not being forced to use a hard-coded theme in the code. First of all,
    figure out which themes are installed. It's done with command:
       $ highlight --list-scripts=themes
    Pick one, say "editor-vim-dark" (supposing it's installed), and execute:
       $ gsettings set org.gnome.evolution.text-highlight theme edit-vim-dark
    And the next time the text-highlight will be called, like when changing the used
    format with right-click in the body->Format As->..., the changed theme will
    be used. In case the value being set in the GSettings is no longer valid,
    like when the theme is not available or had been uninstalled, there will be
    no formatting in the message content at all and evolution's console may
    contain an error message from highlight, like this one:
       highlight: cannot open themes/unknown.theme: No such file or directory