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  • Chris Toshok's avatar
    New files. A tree model using a GNode structure to store it's info. · e581631a
    Chris Toshok authored
    2000-06-08  Chris Toshok  <>
    	* e-tree-gnode.c, e-tree-gnode.h: New files.  A tree model using a
    	GNode structure to store it's info.
    	* e-tree-model.c, e-tree-model.h: New files.  A proxy model
    	sitting between a table model and the real tree model (of which
    	ETreeGNode is an example).
    	* e-cell-tree.c, e-cell-tree.h: New files.  A cell renderer
    	capable of wrapping up a subcell and drawing the tree controls for
    	expanding/collapsing trees.
    	* tree-expanded.xpm, tree-unexpanded.xpm: New files.  the standard
    	+ and - icons.
    	* e-tree-example-1.c: New file, giving a (pretty poor :) example
    	of using ETreeGNode.
    	* at the tree stuff to the build, and build
    	* .cvsignore: ignore tree-example-1.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=3483