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  • Matthew Barnes's avatar
    Convert composer autosave to an EExtension. · 429234ff
    Matthew Barnes authored
    Given the way the autosave feature was awkwardly bolted on to the
    composer, an EExtension seemed like a natural fit.  And it helped
    clean up some object lifecycle hacks (and bugs).
    What we have now is a new module consisting of two EExtensions:
       EComposerAutosave extends EMsgComposer and determines when to
       kick off an asynchronous autosave operation.
       EComposerRegistry extends EShell and offers to restore orphaned
       autosave files on startup (which is also asynchronous now).
    e-autosave-utils.c holds the actual asynchronous functions and a few
    other miscellaneous utility functions.
    Source code for the new module lives in /modules/composer-autosave.