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  • Kaushal Kumar's avatar
    Retired GAL from Head. The relevant files have moved inside evolution. · 27a61acf
    Kaushal Kumar authored
    2005-06-17  Kaushal Kumar  <>
            * Retired GAL from Head. The relevant files have moved inside
            evolution. Thanks to JP Rosevear for performing the cvs surgery. The
            files have been moved in the following order.
            evolution/e-util <- gal/gal/util
            evolution/a11y <-  gal/gal/a11y
            evolution/a11y/e-table <- gal/gal/a11y/e-table
            evolution/a11y/e-text <- gal/gal/a11y/e-text
            evolution/widgets/table <- gal/gal/e-table
            evolution/widgets/text <- gal/gal/e-text
            evolution/widgets/misc <- gal/gal/widgets
            evolution/widgets/misc/pixmaps <- gal/gal/widgets/pixmaps
            evolution/widgets/menus <- gal/gal/menus
            Following is the summary of changes done to fix the build:-
            - New files added to cvs repository,
                    - a11y/e-table/
                    - a11y/e-text/
                    - widgets/table/
                    - widgets/text/
                    - widgets/misc/pixmaps/
                    - iconv-detect.h
                    - iconv-detect.c
            - Updated
            - Updated all the relevant files.
            - Updated the include paths to replace all gal references.
            - Updated the marshal list to suit gal files requirements.
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=29522