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  • Nickolay V. Shmyrev's avatar
    Rework factory functions so they are placed now in a single file · 67a923a1
    Nickolay V. Shmyrev authored
    	* backend/ev-document-factory.c:
    	(ev_document_factory_get_all_mime_types), (get_document_from_uri),
    	* backend/ev-document-factory.h:
    	* properties/ev-properties-main.c: (ev_properties_get_pages):
    	* shell/
    	* shell/ev-application.c:
    	* shell/ev-job-xfer.c: (ev_job_xfer_run):
    	* shell/ev-window.c: (ev_window_cmd_file_open),
    	* thumbnailer/evince-thumbnailer.c: (evince_thumbnail_pngenc_get):
    	Rework factory functions so they are placed now in a single
    	file ev-document-factory.c
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