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Annotation sidebar improvements

mchro requested to merge mchro/evince:annotation-improvements into master

This patch series has a number of improvements to the usability of the annotations, mostly the sidebar. They have been very useful given my usecase of annotating scientific papers and student reports, and e.g. using those annotations for exams, but I don't see that they should make any usecase worse. The improvements are:

  • Sidebar now shows annotation contents, if available. Author/timestamp is moved to tooltip. It is much more useful to see what I wrote, than just a list with my name repeated 10 times.
  • Always expand the sidebar annotations
  • Always show the annotation window when a new annotation is added
  • Reload the annotation sidebar when an annotation is changed (including by the properties dialog which did not update the sidebar before; partly reported in #1542 )


Merge request reports