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ev-view: fix appearance of editable GtkComboBox in PDF form

Nelson Ben requested to merge 1002-choicemenu-incorrect-width into master

Due to a bug in GtkEntry, the GtkEntry of an editable GtkComboBox will be too wide (due to a hardcoded minimum-width of 150px), overcome this by forcing a very small minimum-width via "width-chars" property, this allows the GtkEntry to match the width of the ComboBox item list.

We also tweak evince.css to reduce the padding of the GtkEntry and GtkButton of the GtkComboBox, which was 8px and made the GtkButton take up too much space and GtkEntry be left with too little space for displaying text.

Workarounds gtk#1422 (closed)

Fixes #1002 (closed)

Closes #1002 (closed)

Merge request reports