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  • Carlos Garcia Campos's avatar
    uri-tester: Never block the UI process main thread · 5da7d070
    Carlos Garcia Campos authored and Carlos Garcia Campos's avatar Carlos Garcia Campos committed
    Split the uri tester into updater and loader/filter. The updater code is
    done directly by EphyEmbedShell. The loader/filter part is what URITester
    is now, and it has been moved to the web extension again. The web extension
    creates the uri tester, but it doesn't use it until required and the
    load happens synchronously. This way it's now the web process the one
    waiting until everything is ready to load requests, leaving the UI
    process always responsive. I've also moved the previous checks to decide
    whether to apply adblock or https everywhere rules on a resource to the
    web extension, as well as the tracking queries handling, to avoid
    loading all the rules for resources that are not going to be filtered at
    all. This makes loading overview pages a lot faster, for example. I've
    also added a few more conditions to ensure we don't run the uri tester
    if it's not actually required.