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  • Christian Persch's avatar
    Behave better when the encoding used on the page is unknown to us. · fe2f4ed2
    Christian Persch authored and Christian Persch's avatar Christian Persch committed
    2004-01-06  Christian Persch  <>
    	* embed/ephy-encodings.c: (add_encoding),
    	(ephy_encodings_get_node), (ephy_encodings_add_recent),
    	(ephy_encodings_get_recent), (ephy_encodings_init):
    	* embed/ephy-encodings.h:
    	* src/ephy-encoding-dialog.c: (sync_embed_cb):
    	* src/ephy-encoding-menu.c: (update_encoding_menu_cb),
    	(add_action), (ephy_encoding_menu_set_window):
    	* src/prefs-dialog.c: (create_node_combo):
    	Behave better when the encoding used on the page is unknown to us.
    	Previously we skipped important steps in menu building, resulting in
    	incorrect encoding indicator. Now, we dynamically add an entry with
    	name "Unknown" to our menu.
    	Also add back some rarely used encodings (us-ascii, UTF-16*, UTF-32*)
    	to our known encodings repertoire.