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  • Michael Catanzaro's avatar
    Make gettext mandatory and stop using glib-gettext · c205fbe9
    Michael Catanzaro authored
    It's fighting with intltool and intltool is winning, so no point in
    keeping it around and making things more complicated. In the future, it
    would be good to replace intltool with upstream gettext (not
    glib-gettext), but we still need intltool to translate the appdata file.
    In the meantime, we'll no longer have two competing applications that
    both want to create po/
    The AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT macro was defining ENABLE_NLS if gettext is
    available, to make i18n optional. But most GNOME programs require
    gettext nowadays, and it's installed pretty much everywhere, so there is
    no reason for it to be optional anymore. Note, the only reason we were
    using glib-gettext before, as far as I see, was to define ENABLE_NLS.