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Refine tab context menu

Alice Mikhaylenko requested to merge wip/exalm/menu into master

Screenshot_from_2020-09-07_23-19-23 Screenshot_from_2020-09-07_23-19-06

Split some things out of !814 (merged) as it's relatively self-contained.

Remove some duplicate actions, adding shortcuts to the menu. Hide pin/unpin when disabled. Add mute/unmute since the mute button is inaccessible from keyboard. Although really now the context menu is also inaccessible, see !814 (comment 906953) Menu key does nothing, Shift+F10 opens primary menu instead.

Remaining questions:

  1. Should pin and unpin still have different mnemonics?
  2. Should there be a detach action? It's not very accessible on touch
  3. Placement/wording of mute/unmute?

CC @bertob

Edited by Alice Mikhaylenko

Merge request reports