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  • Phaedrus Leeds's avatar
    Add a WebAppProvider D-Bus interface · 7547094e
    Phaedrus Leeds authored
    This commit adds a D-Bus service that exposes the web apps managed by
    Epiphany so that a client can enumerate them, install a new one, or
    remove an installed one. The intended client is GNOME Software, since I
    am soon going to add back a webapp plugin to Software which will make
    use of this interface. This is part of a larger effort to improve the
    support for Progressive Web Apps in GNOME (though Epiphany's web apps do
    not support PWA manifest features).
    The great thing about having this be a service exposed by Epiphany,
    rather than having Software try to install Epiphany-compatible web apps
    on its own as it used to do, is that the implementation of how to create
    and manage the web apps can stay in Epiphany, and there can never be
    disagreement between Epiphany and Software about the proper on-disk
    format for them (e.g. the algorithm used for generating the app ID from
    the name).
    The goal for the PWA project is to support Flatpak'd Epiphany, whereas
    currently only non...