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  • Michael Catanzaro's avatar
    Add unresponsive web process error page · cff4bf1a
    Michael Catanzaro authored and Michael Catanzaro's avatar Michael Catanzaro committed
    WebKitGTK 2.33.1 allows us to detect and kill runaway web processes.
    Let's take advantage of that.
    The process is not detected as unresponsive for quite a while -- 10
    seconds -- so there's no need for any secondary timeout at the Epiphany
    level. Let's kill it immediately when WebKit says the web process has
    been lost. If the WebKit timeout were shorter, then prompting the user
    to decide whether to kill the page would make more sense, but 10 seconds
    is long enough that any web content that hasn't returned to the main
    loop deserves to be immediately killed. There's no excuse for that.