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  • Allison Karlitskaya's avatar
    Remove 'set lock' support from dconf · 83e61fdb
    Allison Karlitskaya authored
    The dconf service can not presently be run at the system level and it
    doesn't make sense to support locks on user-level databases.  It also
    became clear that most distributors and sysadmins would rather work
    directly with text files anyway, so we supported that directly instead.
    For this reason, 'set lock' support has never been properly implemented.
    All the plumbing was added for it though, which means we have it
    appearing on the API of the client library and documented in the help of
    the commandline tool.  This is misleading, since these functions do
    nothing at all (and actually contain bugs anyway since their
    do-nothingness was never actually tested).
    For now, we rip out these functions.  We can add them back later if we
    decide to support this properly.