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put the whole repo in the artifacts

Abderrahim Kitouni requested to merge abderrahim/repo-artifact into master

the bundle is now generated in the review job.

This is a first step for fixing the problem we have with !5 (merged) that we can't publish extensions to flat-manager (the bundle doesn't contain the locale and debug extensions, only main app).

This requires changes in the project using the template now, moving or copying some variables to the review job that are now only in the flatpak job.

Eventually, I'd like to move everything to flat-manager (have even review builds on flat-manager with a link to the flatpakref like the flathub test builds) but we'd need an new feature to make it work directly in gitlab CI without an additional bot.

Part of Infrastructure/Infrastructure#133 (closed)

/cc @alatiera @csoriano

Edited by Abderrahim Kitouni

Merge request reports