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  • Xavier de Blas's avatar
    big reorganization, lots stats changed... see changelog · 62d1ce51
    Xavier de Blas authored
    	all .cs files moved to .src
    	stats.cs divided in multiple files (under src/stats)
    	sqlite.cs divided in multiple files (under src/sqlite)
    	somewindows.cs divided in multiple files (under src/gui)
    	Makefile changed
    	added this changelog.txt
    stats changes:
    	gui improved (4 statsJumpsType modes)
    	simplesesion and multisession with fewer code in each stat
    	in simplesession we can show lots of columns, in multisession one per session
    	weight in sj+ cmj+ and abk+ is all converted to percent or Kgs depending on preferences
    	changes in sqlite: cleaned lot of stats code
    	added DB version in sqlite (for managing updates of database in the future)
    	obligation of name for new session and new person
    	obligation of weight for all jumpers, then we can show all the values in stats as '%' or as 'Kg' by simple conversion
    	minor changes
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