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  • Xavier de Blas's avatar
    chronojump and chronojump_mini both work nicely on windows and linux (events, graphs, ...) · 8e4fd331
    Xavier de Blas authored
    Util.IsWindows prints the operating system
    In every Chronojump windows start, put "simulated" in preferences (for solving chronojump crashes on windows for not detecting the chronopic
    Chronopic doesn't configure DefaultTimeOut if it's on windows (until we know how to do it)
    Before changing to chronopic mode on windows, it's shown a dialog like: "if it's windows, you have to generate a event with chronopic, if not, it will crash, restart (simulated automatically) and then select another port".
    New class DialogMessage for all kind of dialogs.
    Finally used a confirmWindow because then, chronopic is called wen user clics on accept button.
    chronojump-mini now named chronojump_mini (better for Makefile)
    chronojump_mini picks port from the user
    Makefile (Linux) compiles also chronojump_mini
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