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call-record: Take timezone into account in call history

Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras requested to merge devrtz/calls:fix-history-time into master

Make sure that all times are saved in UTC and take timezone offsets into account when displaying times in the UI.

Fixes #163 (closed)

I've made sure that the today/yesterday comparison also still works. From the database:

61|999|0|2021-10-14T21:51:27.841865Z|2021-10-15T12:06:54.026190Z|2021-10-14T21:51:29Z|tel 62|888|0|2021-10-14T22:51:27.841865Z|2021-10-15T12:37:51.029432Z|2021-10-14T22:51:29Z|tel

my timezone is UTC+2 (meaning the 888 number is yesterday, while 999 is today): timezone

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