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  • Torsten Schönfeld's avatar
    Specify PREREQ_PM in the WriteMakefile call so META.yml gets generated · 5ec21a3f
    Torsten Schönfeld authored
    	* Makefile.PL: Specify PREREQ_PM in the WriteMakefile call so
    	META.yml gets generated correctly.
    	* t/GnomeVFSOps.t: Fix the forget_cache test.  Add a truncate
    	* t/GnomeVFSXfer.t: This seems to work again, so get rid of the
    	* xs/GnomeVFSUtils.xs: Fix
    	gnome_vfs_make_uri_from_input_with_trailing_ws by adding the class
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=139
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