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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    2005-12-27 23:23 (+0100) ebassi · 5e82b129
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    	* examples/ remove our TRUE/FALSE constants and
    	use Glib ones instead; use the compact init for Gtk2; show the new
    	overloaded stringification thingie.
    	* overload the == and "" operatores using
    	Gnome2::GConf::Value::compare and Gnome2::GConf::Value::to_string.
    	* xs/GConfValue.xs: implement to_string and compare class methods;
    	bless the hash representing a GConfValue as Gnome2::GConf::Value.
    	* xs/GConfEntry.xs: bless the hash representing a GConfEntry as
    svn path=/trunk/; revision=96
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