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  • Xavier Claessens's avatar
    Fix ref count error for account objects. · 004e5e33
    Xavier Claessens authored
    2007-09-21  Xavier Claessens  <>
    	* libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c: Fix ref count error for
    	account objects.
    	* libempathy/empathy-contact-manager.c: Disconnect signals from
    	MissionControl object when finalising the contact manager.
    	* megaphone/src/megaphone-applet.c:
    	* megaphone/src/
    	* megaphone/src/megaphone-applet.h:
    	* megaphone/data/
    	* megaphone/data/
    	* megaphone/data/
    	* megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.xml:
    	* megaphone/
    	* nothere/src/nothere-applet.c:
    	* nothere/src/
    	* nothere/src/nothere-applet.h:
    	* nothere/data/
    	* nothere/data/
    	* nothere/data/GNOME_NotHere_Applet.xml:
    	* nothere/
    	* po/
    	* po/POTFILES.skip: Add Megaphone and Nothere applets. Fixes bug
    	#464954 (Raphael Slinckx, Xavier Clae...
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