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  • Gabriel Burt's avatar
    Slightly more useful job status, shows how many total downloads in the job · 7dd545fd
    Gabriel Burt authored
    2008-09-05  Gabriel Burt  <>
    	* src/Extensions/Banshee.Podcasting/Banshee.Podcasting.Gui/DownloadManager/DownloadUserJob.cs:
    	* src/Extensions/Banshee.Podcasting/Banshee.Podcasting.Gui/DownloadManager/DownloadManagerInterface.cs:
    	Slightly more useful job status, shows how many total downloads in the job
    	* src/Libraries/Mtp/Mtp/Track.cs: Hack around .m4v issue.
    	* build/m4/banshee/dap-mtp.m4:
    	* NEWS: Don't allow libmtp8 for now, and clarify how packages need to
    	require libmtp (to ensure users have the same version the package was
    	compiled against).
    svn path=/trunk/banshee/; revision=4475
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