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  • Jonas Ådahl's avatar
    wayland: Split out shell surface code from meta-wayland-surface.c · 7fd585fe
    Jonas Ådahl authored
    Move xdg_shell related functionality to a new meta-wayland-xdg-shell.c
    and wl_shell related functionality to a new meta-wayland-wl-shell.c,
    and adapt role object tree.
    Common functionality related to the surface being drawn as a
    MetaSurfaceActor was moved to a MetaWaylandSurfaceRoleActorSurface role.
    The subsurface role GObject is made to inherit the actor surface GObject.
    Shell surface hooks (configure, ping, close, popup done) were added to
    a MetaWaylandSurfaceRoleShellSurface GObject which inherits the
    surface actor role GObject.
    The shell surface roles (xdg_surface, xdg_popup, wl_shell_surface) are
    made to inherit the shell surface GObject and implement the relevant