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  • Jonas Ådahl's avatar
    Introduce MetaSurfaceActor for drawing MetaWindowActor content · ea916b6c
    Jonas Ådahl authored and Jasper St. Pierre's avatar Jasper St. Pierre committed
    Instead of having MetaWindowActor only have one single MetaShapedTexture
    as actor drawing its content, introduce a new abstract MetaSurfaceActor
    that takes care of drawing.
    This is one step in the direction to decouple MetaWaylandSurface with a
    MetaWindow and MetaWindowActor (except for shell/xdg surfaces) in order
    to finally support subsurfaces like features, or any feature where
    window is not drawn using a single texture.
    The first step, implemented in this patch, is to not have
    MetaWindowActor work directly with a shaped texture. There are still
    some cases where it simply gets the texture and goes on as before, but
    this should be changed by either removing the need of going via
    MetaWindowActor or by adding some generic interface to MetaSurfaceActor
    that doesn't limit its functionality to one shaped texture.
    There should be no visible difference nor after this patch, but
    meta_window_actor_get_texture() and meta_surface_actor_get_texture()
    should be deprecated when equivalent functionality has been introduced.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJonas Ådahl <>