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  • Havoc Pennington's avatar
    remove caveats about keybindings · e4e200a1
    Havoc Pennington authored
    2002-04-28  Havoc Pennington  <>
    	* README: remove caveats about keybindings
    	* src/metacity.schemas: add schemas for all the keybindings.
    	* src/window.c (meta_window_activate): if in "show desktop" mode
    	when a window is activated, leave show desktop mode. So e.g.
    	when you click on a task in the task list, show desktop mode
    	will be turned off.
    	* src/workspace.c (meta_workspace_get_neighbor): new function
    	that doesn't quite work yet (needs support for getting
    	workspace layout from the pager)
    	* src/prefs.c: keybindings stuff
    	* src/keybindings.c: make keybindings configurable
    	* src/ui.c (meta_ui_parse_accelerator): new function
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